About Us
As a young brand with extensive experience in travel, yachting, and water activities, Seayou Explorer is a travel agent-licensed company that specialises in water-related activities and experience, primarily focused on the southern side of Hong Kong. Established back in 2016, Seayou Explorer has also developed three other distinctive brands: FLOAT, Aberdeen 1773, and Aberdeen Fisherman’s Wharf. We are not merely a yacht booking platform; we strive to connect the public to the sea by offering a more accessible and joyful experience. With Seayou, you can gain access to:

1. A range of yachts, junks, sail boats, speed boats and water activities

2. Unparalleled wedding and corporate experience with Hong Kong’s most unique event yacht FLOAT

3. An immersive and educational experience related to Hong Kong’s traditional fishing culture through our audio-guided sampan tour, Aberdeen1773 Tour

4. Party with friends on a houseboat

5. Peek into Hong Kong’s busiest Fish-trading scene at the newly renovated Aberdeen Fisherman’s Wharf and take part in seasonal workshops or purchase a seafood package from us that is promised the freshest catch of the day!