Sailing Course

Rating: 10 / 10
Code: SB001

Keelboat Courses 大型帆船課程

101 Basic Keelboat Sailing 基礎龍骨船
T1 - trial class 體驗課程
T2 - complete 101 after trial 持續課程
R3 - regular 101 for inexperience 常規課程
W3 - deluxe ASA101 with Beneteau 34 高級課程
E1 - with HKSF Level 2 精讀課程
- Beneteau 21.7 tiller 舵柄 or 34 wheel drive 駕駛盤
1 day   $2,650
2 days  $4,900
3 days  $7,350
3 days  $10,350
1 day   $2,650
103 Basic Coastal Cruising 基礎沿岸巡航
E1 - very experienced 需有中船 8次以上經驗
S2 - less experienced 需有中船 4次以上經驗
R3 - regular 103 常規課程
- Beneteau 34
1 day   $3,950
2 days  $7,500
3 days  $11,250
104 Bareboat Cruising 光船巡航 (國際租船標準)
- Hanse 385 or SO44I (with air cond 有冷氣)
3 days 2 nights $23,900
105 Coastal Navigation 沿岸導航 (theory 理論課) 2 half day $5,000
106 Advanced Coastal Cruising 高級沿岸巡航
- Hanse 385 or SO44I (overnight sailing 夜航)
3 days 2 nights $34,900
114 Cruising Catamaran 巡航雙體船 1 day $20,000
111 Sailing Practice 練習課程 (repeatable 可重複)
P1 - 101 / 103 - Beneteau 21.7
P2 - 103 - Beneteau 34
P3 - 103 - Hanse 385
P4 - 103 - Hanse 385, Asym sail 不對稱大三角帆
1 day $2,450
1 day $3,750
1 day $5,000
1 day $7,000

Package Courses 速成課程
AAA 101, 103, 104, 105 & 106
- sailing experience needed 需有帆船經驗
7 days 2 nights $53,900
AA 105 & 106
- sailing experience needed 需有帆船經驗
4 days 2 nights $38,900
A 101, 103 & 104 8 days 2 nights $38,900
AE 101, 103 & 104 (Exam only 只限水陸考試)
- very experienced 需有豐富帆船經驗
3 days 1 night $18,700
B 101, 103 (Beginner 初學者適用) 5 days $15,900
BE 101, 103 (Exam only 只限水陸考試)
- very experienced with HKSF level 2 需有豐富帆船經驗
2 days $6,500
Boat change from tiller to wheel : A /AB/B for first 2 days +$2,000 ; AE/BE for 1 day +$1,000
船隻由舵柄改為駕駛盤: 課程 A/AB/B 首兩天附加$2,000 ; AE/BE 首天附加$1,000

Experienced instructors from UK available 英、粵或普通話授課
Class starts with 2 + students 2 人開班;時間協商
(School can arrange other students up to 6ppl in a class 校方有權安排其他學員加入至 6 人一班)

Booking together in one boat one bill discount 課程同時報名優惠

For more information and registration method, please call 2368 7000 / whatsapp 6211 6782.
如欲赧名,請致電 2368 7000 / whatsapp 6211 6782。


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